Jeep Remote Start Disabled

Jeep owners frequently experience remote start issues or “remote start system fault” errors which can be frustrating; however, there are various solutions available to them to address it.

Before trying to remote start your vehicle, be sure that all hazard lights have been turned off and that your gas cap has been sealed correctly.

Check the battery

A remote start system depends on your vehicle’s battery for power. A weak or dead battery can render the remote start system useless, so make sure its condition and connections are tight before testing its capacity in cold weather by taking away your keys and pressing both lock and remote start buttons simultaneously.

Another frequent cause for the disabling of a Jeep remote starter is improper door closure. A simple solution would be opening and closing each door several times to close properly; if this doesn’t work, contact an automotive professional instead.

Hood pin switches or tilt switches are another frequent source of car problems. These safety features prevent remote start systems from activating when someone is under the hood of a vehicle. An easy solution would be ensuring that both latched securely, as well as switching off any hazard lights.

Check the solenoid

If you’re having issues starting or stopping your car remotely, there are a few straightforward solutions to try. First, ensure the hazard lights are turned off; remote starts typically shut off if activated while driving forward or reverse mode as an added safety measure.

Your vehicle’s coolant temperature or oil pressure could also be too high or low; double check these levels and add any necessary supplements as soon as you return it to normal ranges; once this has happened, the remote start should work normally again.

Your remote start might also be disabled due to an open hood. Be sure to firmly close and latch it before trying to remotely start your car remotely, and double- check that the hood pin is connected securely with the car’s computer; otherwise it should be replaced immediately as this essential link forms part of the remote start system.

Check the computer system

Jeep’s Remote Start System makes starting your vehicle from up to 328 feet away easier with just the press of a button, providing preheating of front seats and defrosting of windows; additionally it can activate climate control systems as well as heated steering wheels if equipped.

If your Jeep’s remote start has become disabled, the first thing to check is its key fob battery. Most use a CR2032 lithium cell watch-type battery which is easily replaceable; cold weather could have decreased power output and thus limited signal transmission range.

Next, inspect the hood pin switch – this safety feature prevents the engine from starting up while in maintenance mode and should remain closed and locked securely. As it can be easily compromised, make sure the hood pin remains closed and locked firmly before proceeding to step 2. Furthermore, ensure hazard warning lights are off, as being illuminated will impede remote starter function.

Check the key fob

If the remote start remains disabled even after switching batteries and testing solenoids, professional help might be required. It could be that your remote has been programmed incorrectly; an experienced specialist can reprogram it back into working condition.

An additional issue could be that your vehicle isn’t in park mode; due to safety considerations, Jeep remote starts cannot be used if the car isn’t parked properly. To resolve this problem, simply ensure the hazard lights are turned off before trying to use your remote starter.

Your coolant or oil levels could also be too low, in which case allow the vehicle to cool for 10 minutes before checking levels; if necessary add coolant or oil until levels reach factory recommended ranges. Furthermore, replacing key fob batteries every three or four years would also be recommended.

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